Monday, 4 July 2016

Rhetoric and Prosody: Poesy!

Language effectively and impressively was used
art of rhetoric, the souls called it!
Prosody, on the other hand
was known as Science of verse, metres and stanzas
in three forms…

I-am-bic Pentameter: I am
unstressed followed by stress, it was!
I think in five meter it is
“I am,” five times you sing!
Two line stanza having two lines in Iambic Pentameter
was known as Heroic Couplet, in dance!

Whereas, the couplet, in which
the sense runs from one to another,
without any break in punctuation
is known as En-jam-bed couplet, did you know!
A six iambic feet occasionally used in a Heroic Couplet
is called as Alexandrine!

Terza rima, first used by Dante Alighieri
is run-on three line stanza with a fixed rhyme scheme
reminding soul of Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind!”

First used by Geoffrey Chaucer in fourteenth Century
in Troilus and Criseyde and The Pariament of Foules
is Rhyme Royal, a seven line stanza, in iambic pentameter
with rhyme scheme (a-b-a, b-b, c-c) …
Ottava Rima, Italian in origin,
is an eight line stanza in iambic pentameter
with fixed rhyme scheme of ab-ab-ab-cc…
A nine line stanza, with two quatrains (four lines each)
in iambic pentameter, with last line rounded of as Alexandrine
in rhyme scheme: abab bcbc c
is known as Spenserian Stanza, a fixed verse form
used by Edmund Spenser for his epic poem,
The Faerie Queen (1590-96)...

Blank verse is poetry with a metre but no rhyme
almost always in iambic pentameter
did it remind you of Julius Ceaser then!

Free verse, on the other hand,
neither has metre nor rhyme!

                                             Pic Courtesy: Google

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